Monday, June 17, 2013

Day #6, #7 - Waterford and Tralee

Hi readers!  Today and yesterday have been fun-filled, busy days for sure.  Yesterday, my mom and I ran the Fenor 15K Race.

Lucky for us, we drove for two hours and arrived with only two minutes to spare.  That meant that the 200+ people in the race had to wait for us to sprint to the starting line.  (Embarrassing, right?)  But we made it, and that's all that matters!

And we were off!

The view during the run was beautiful!

And we saw...this?


I was feeling a little sick that morning, so I only ran the 5K portion, but Mom ran the whole 9.3 miles!  Here's the finish line:

Yay Mom!

After that, we retreated to the Granville Hotel in Waterford.

Here's us eating at the Granville restaurant:

And we found this very stylish French Fry!  He looks a bit like Elvis, doesn't he?...

Today, once we had eaten a lovely breakfast at the Granville, we decided to go walk around the city of Waterford.  We just happened to stumble upon a place called the Reginal's Tower!  

It is a 1,010-year-old castle that was originally built for defense, but was later turned into a museum.  It was especially neat for me to see because I recently studied the Middle Ages and the Vikings, so I was rather knowledgeable about that time period beforehand.

Here are some pictures of inside.  Look how thick those stone walls are:

After that, we went shopping for a bit and bought some cool souvenirs.  

A while later, we drove about four hours to Tralee.  On the way, however, we saw this castle and simply had to stop.  

I mean, just look at that!

This is the Linsmore Castle Grounds, one of the oldest castles in Ireland.

There were also lots of amazing sculptures scattered around:

And the garden surrounding it was one of the oldest gardens in Ireland, too:

...And we played at the nearby playground, of course!

Then, we finished the day with some delicious dinner from O'Donnells.

And that's all for today!  I hope you liked all the pictures.  Stick around for more tomorrow!


P.S.  I have heard that some people are having some trouble with commenting.  First of all, don't worry about it!  I appreciate that some of you are taking the time to comment on the blog, but please don't feel pressured if you would prefer to not to.  If you do want to, though, all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of the post, right underneath this paragraph, and you will see the time the post was published with a link that says "No comments:", along with a little pencil.  Click on either of those, and you should be able to type in your comment.  Good luck!


  1. Wow! The weather there looks great. It's was only like 80 here today.

    Why did that fry have a head on it?? That's a bit freaky. Did you get to order Haggis??

    Oh cool...was the castle haunted???

    More pics!

  2. That fry wasn't freaky, it was fashionable! Did you like the way I styled his hair? Quite nice, eh?

    And for the last time THERE IS NO HAGGIS IN IRELAND MATT. There is black & white pudding, though...

    The castle wasn't haunted, I hope...

    More updates on the way!

    1. Megan...the fry had a human head on top!

    2. Ooohhhh I see now. It looks like the beheaded person is bleeding ketchup all over the french fry whenever I look at that picture now. Thanks, Matt.
